Joining EAC is easy!
- You can complete the trial member form, then mail a check with your dues
- You can also complete the trial member form and pay directly through our secure online payment site. We can accept new and returning memberships, and donations to support club activities with this method as well!
For New Members
Become a trial member.
Get immediate access to the web site.
Pay for your membership, new or returning. Select your membership choice, add to your cart, go to your cart and pay by credit card.
By Mail
Mail check to:
Early American Coppers
PO Box 111323
Memphis TN 38111-1323
Benefits of Membership
Ultimately, EAC is a community of collectors and researchers with a passion for the early copper coinage of the United States, a community of camaraderie and support. Our collective mission is to promote the study and enjoyment of early copper, both within the club and for the general coin collecting community. To achieve these goals we offer the following benefits of EAC membership:

This is the official journal for EAC. Well-respected among numismatic journals in the United States, it has won a number of awards from the Numismatic Literary Guild under the editorship of Harry E. Salyards (1986 to present). It has been published without fail every two months, September 1967 through July 2011. Beginning with July 2011, it has been published quarterly in July, October, January, and April.
Each issue includes a mixture of original research articles, records of national and regional meetings of club members, and more informal “Collector Notes,” in which both veterans and novices share their copper-collecting experiences. There is also a “Swaps and Sales” section, where members may post coins for sale or trade.
All members receive P-W, as it is affectionately called, as a benefit of membership. All issues of P-W, back to the first issue in the fall of 1967, are available to the world on the Eric Newman Numismatic Portal. Issues published in the last two years are available in the “Members Only” section of the EAC website (which can be accessed by logging in at the top of the main page).
The EAC Convention is held in early spring. Meeting sites are rotated throughout the United States. Another meeting is held in conjunction with the ANA Convention in the summer. Informal meetings are held periodically in each of EAC’s geographic regions. In addition, EAC holds symposiums in conjunction with several major coin conventions. These gatherings are enjoyed by all. They are the best way for new members to become familiar with early coppers and to meet others who share similar interests.
Region 8
Region 8 members enjoy a weekly newsletter, usually published on Sunday evenings, consisting of submissions from other Region 8 members. Any EAC member can join Region 8 and submit their own articles, updates and events.
Copper Notes
Copper Notes is EAC’s online community, our very own private Facebook page. All EAC members are welcome but must request an invitation. Copper Notes is not visible to the general Facebook population. Enjoy real time conversations with the experts!